Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Jason entered the garden after hearing a loud scream come from that direction. He stood there looking at her as she gazed up from the ground of the community garden. Sasha pulled away from him and ran around sniffing and licking her hand. He stood there now with Alana right in front of him; the moment he had been waiting for, but he couldn’t say anything. He was too afraid of failure. Seconds seemed to stretch into eternity as he gazed into her beautiful, mysterious eyes and then that sensuous smile of hers brightened her face. “It is now or never,” Jason thought.

“Hi, Alana,” Jason finally said

“Hi,” she replied in her heavily accented English. “You seem to know my name, but what is yours?”

“My name…my name is Jason. Would you like some help up?”

“Yes, please.” Alana said.

The rest of the conversation was a blur to him as they walked through the garden talking and enjoying each others company. Jason hadn’t felt this happy in years. He was finally able to really talk with someone, sharing with them his real feelings.

Jason and Alana proceeded to leave the garden and head back to Thallow Flats. Once back, Jason took Alana to her room which she said was 315. Jason was a little surprised to hear this and told her he lived in 215, the room right below hers. Just before he left, Jason felt compelled to show his feelings for Alana.

He leaned down and gently kissed Alana’s forehead, then turned and left before she could say or do anything.

Now he didn’t know what to do. He decided he would go for another of those mind-clearing rides. As he proceeded to the garage, he waved to Pokey, who as usual was enthralled in the music to which he always listened. When Jason originally bought it, they had reached an agreement where only Jason would drive it. He would just go in and out to get it. Pokey had seemed a little irritated with the arrangement at the time, but seemed okay with it now. As Jason revved up the engine and proceeded to exit, he decided to stop by Pokey’s office. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Pokey’s smiling face and the ever present headphones. Jason smiled and asked Pokey for a cup of hot chocolate. After Pokey returned with the hot drink, he made some comment about it being too cold to ride a motorcycle, but Jason was thinking about everything that had happened. Jason tipped Pokey a five, drained the cup, and sped off down Main Street, his mind blazing.


Lauren S. said...

he turned smiling a full giggling smile into her room, the time with Jason had reduced her to an excited teenager who had just receied her first kiss. As she half-ran half-skipped into her room, she laughed out loud for the first time in almost three weeks. She threw open her drawer and grabbed her journal. Alana heard a loud engine rev and looked out her window. There he sat on his motorcycle looking like a modern day prince in shining armor. She curled up in her favorite chair and wrote in her journal feverishly for nearly an hour. Her elegant scrawl flowed across the page unveiling every though that screamed into her conscious. Alana closed the journal with a half smile and waltzed into her kitchen to fix herself some lunch. She made a simple roast beef and cheese sandwich with a small vinegerette salad. She threw her jacket on and went outside, the sky seemed more ocean like than it ever head, the grass was greener, and the town looked better. She had a sudden inclination to clean the town and make it look beautiful like the old man, she thought his name was Barnaby or something, in the house next door used say it was. He had apparently owned some huge thing in the town and it was suppossedly a stunning and highly-desired place, but it had turned into a decrepit dusty cheap place. She walked down the sidewalk and all around the town, noticing the new Roots shop and the Rare Bookstore, neither of which she had ever been in. Alana opened the door to the Rare Bookstore and peeked in. The dust-covered book lined the walls and sat in piles on the floor. she tip-toed around the piles occasionally seeing things that sparked her interest. Alana spent her afternoon gazing at different books and basking in the sun. She curled up in the sun on the floor of the boostore and read the dairy of a young girl from the late 1800's. Her tale of never finding love saddened Alana, but did not erase her smile. As Alana returned to her apartment she looked up and saw the silouette framed by the sinking sun; it looked like an angel. She took it as a sign that what she was feeling was right. Allah was with her after all.

Lauren S. said...

ok now you'll have to explai nto me what your coment meant because i'm super confused