Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Trust and Love

There's no such thing as a person you can trust. Human nature dictates that we are completely selfish creatures. If someone wants to no more about you, ultimately they must have a hidden agenda. Whether it be for the benefit of their own knowledge about you or so they can use it against you, either as blackmail or so they can spin their own thoughts to their friends. If you want to be able to trust someone, you can only rely on yourself. Opening up to someone else only shows a sign of weakness to that person and they will use that against you. It is not worth the risk of being betrayed by someone you thought you could trust, only to find out that they had completely ignored the importance and truth of what you had told them. Those who speak of the concept of love and how you must trust those who you love, don't truly understand the nature of love. There is no truth to the saying it is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. To speak thusly, you show yourself to be incompetent, and not capable of understanding what it truly means to be able to love someone. Your only options are to harden yourself against the world or to continuously fall to those who you thought you could trust.


alex said...

I am so sorry you feel that way.

unknown said...

I think you have the beginning of your character.

Jessica W. said...
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Jessica W. said...

there is such thing as a person you can just have to find them. Opening up to someone isnt a sign of weakness, its a sign of hope, trust, and love. And if everything you are saying is not your true opinion then maybe the risks your taking everyday arent worth it. Sometimes you have to see the glass half full to live and to learn, and especially to love.

Taylor said...

I'm sorry this happened to you, everyone gets hurt though at some point in their life. We live and learn and get stronger each day. One day you will realize that this happened for a reason because you were meant to be with someone that wants you only. If you haven't felt it recently, you will soon. There is true love out there, so hold on to it and believe in it.